Our team was asked to develop a video to make people aware that a kids ministry conference was expanding to include ministers up to college age. In short, the conference was expanding and they wanted others to know.

The idea we came up with was not to create a video that gave out information but was completely emotive. In this way, we got the attention of our audience and inspired them to look further at the event.

When I presented this concept to Lifeway Kids to promote their new ETCH Conference, I said, “This says everything about your conference while saying nothing about it.” I wasn’t sure they would go for such a risky method. To their credit, they went for it.

The gamble paid off. After the promotion began, I received an email that said during a showing to a large crowd…

“We had an emotional response to the ETCH video. Very positive response, but people had tears. Isaac had to pause after the video, before talking as people gathered their composure… He chimed in with ‘pass the tissues’ and ‘free hugs after the session for those who need them.’ Great Job!”

The video has gotten more shares, more attention, more question, and helped a good conference grow. Exactly what we hoped. Videos that leave a mark are more effective than those that distribute information.

Related: ETCH



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