Story Work

Louis & Skeeter

Skeeter receives a letter from the famous Captain Ironheart, who gives Skeeter and his brother Louis a clue to find...

Three Fingers Shoot

In December, Seventh Story was on set to lend a hand to the production of Three Fingers. Led by Director Paul D. Hart,...
Alone and Surrounded

Alone and Surrounded

FAMILY: Nevermore in history can you be next to someone you know and yet be alone. We wanted to illustrate that isolated together feeling without it being several shots of people with headphones and on Ipads. Using the time-lapse of people was a good way to accomplish...

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Sparks & Smoke

Sparks & Smoke

Can Do Cameron has failed. His mission gone bust, his team is lost and his objective vanished. Seeing no other choice Can Do quits! But one more mission seems to pull Can Do Back into Action! Here's a look at one of the latest episodes of our friend Can Do Cameron. We...

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80s Graphics Can Do Cameron

80s Graphics Can Do Cameron

So old 80s video games hold a special place with us.  Pac Man, Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros, those games are legend. Can Do Cameron is our children's Spy Adventure Series  (20+ episodes to date). We're always trying to take Can Do somewhere different and the idea...

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